A Message From The King!

Well, Bob King from Ada Bible Church.
Here's an email from Bob King that he wrote responding to the question:
"Was there a resource that you found helpful when setting up your video venues, such as a mentor, website, or magazine?"
Bob's response:
There wasn't any one resource that we heavily utilized, rather we pulled bits and pieces from a ton of different sources. Here are a couple of places that might help you get started:
www.churchvideovenues.com - this is North Coast's website. We probably copied them more than any other ministry.
www.newthing.org - this site comes from Christian Community Church in Naperville, IL. The have more of a multi-site model than they do a venue model, but there is still great info on this page.
http://www.leadnet.org/multisiteChurches.asp - Leadership Network has what they call 'Leadership Communities' - small 'colloquiums' of churches that interact over a topic. They have developed several LC's around multi-site churches. In fact, they will be forming their final LC's within the next few months - we are thinking about jumping into this last one.
Also, check out the sites of the following churches. Some of these we've visited, others we just write for the brochure and t-shirt.
www.communitychristian.org - we stole their format for our venue website
www.lifechurch.tv - this place is way too cool for their britches, but a good place to explore venue stuff
www.seacoastchurch.org - these guys are really pioneers in the movement also. Fun note: they have a venue called 'The Annex'. We didn't know that until we'd already named ours. Hopefully, stuff will be out of court soon...
www.themeetinghouse.ca - this church in Toronto really intrigues us. They have determined to have venues all over the greater Toronto area so that no one has to commute more than 30 minutes in order to attend their church.
At 2:42 PM,
David Drury said…
Wonderful links, Bilbo!
Thanks for passing these on from Bob King!
-Great meeting with you today to brainstorm too. What fun to mind-meld.
At 11:22 AM,
Deur said…
You are linked!
giddy up!
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