2nd Lobby Night a Hit

Our 2nd Lobby night tonight (26 Feb 2006) was a hit. The worship time was great (and left us wanting more--which I suppose isn't bad.) The message on forgiveness was poignant. The interaction was fun as always. And the communion stations time was phenomenal.
I think I'll always remember how many people went into that room to take the fish hooks (representing things we've haven't yet forgiven others for) and "hooking" them into the cork cross. I have that cork cross in my office now and I think it's a keeper.
We had even more people than last time, too, which was a shock to me (nearly 80 this time). The first night we had a few "well-wishers" which boosted the number in attendance. So it was cool to see so many still checking it out and several dozen "making The Lobby home!
At 10:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
Woah. Almost 80? See, I'm terrible at looking around and estimating how many people are in a room and so I told a couple people today that there were maybe 50-some... Wow! We had more then last month. That is cool.
At 9:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
That count includes kids and teachers downstairs.
It was a great night. Justin had a great beginning at leading worship. There was definitely a sense of the Spirit. The stations were especially meaningful. I was surprised to see people really taking their time at the hook and cross station. I believe it was a place of divine exchange as people gave up offenses and placed them in the cross.
Good work everybody. . . and we can thank God for providing the inner work.
At 5:41 AM,
Deur said…
Glad things went well!
At 4:49 PM,
David Drury said…
I agree with Gwen that the hooks and cross station took me by suprise -- people were really doing business with God there. Way cool. I'm brining that cross and the hooks back out for the Prayer Labyrinth at church this weekend for the 24-3 prayer vigil.
Casey = Like a few other pasotrs, I seem to have a knack for "knowing how many are in a room." I constantly guess how many are at things and find myself within 5% of the actual count. My wife thinks it's hilarious. It might be my spiritual gift! I think I guessed the attendance of the entire church on our first visit 4 years ago and was within 20 of the over-1,200 number at the time.
Other pastors, unfortunately, have a gift for inflating how many people are in a room. That's why I don't do the count. Bill Barton and the First Impressions team are in charge of "the count" and they give it to me. (I was 2 people off on my estimate, btw - I guessed 75.) (FYI = bragging session on my meaningless skill is now over.)
Steve = you ought to stop by sometime and get an SLWC fix at The Lobby since you quit cold turkey a few years ago!
At 4:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am now posting anonymously as my own conscience...
"Of course it's not about numbers at all. In fact, we'd be concerned if TOO MANY people can to The Lobby. If more than 150 were there it would kill what it is. In many ways, the atmosphere and goal of this worship gathering is to create a mid-sized congregation where conversation and interaction can happen. It's not about numbers at all.
Also - Dave, you should stop commenting on this blog and go upstairs and have coffee with your wife."
-Dave's Conscience
At 10:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
Agreed on the above comments. The worship was fantastic, and I did feel like I would have loved to of heard more and I had hear the message already twice, but the third time it really hit me, and forgiving was something that needed to be done. It was refreshing to hear such a great message, but not have all the distractions that some with a large crowd (such as in 59West and Celebration). Best wishes to you and I hpoe this works... because it certainly worked for me.
At 10:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
forgive my inability to type and/or think properly. maybe this college student needs more sleep than she is getting.
At 1:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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